Thursday, October 14, 2010 it for sale?

It's another dreary, cloudy day in San Diego ~ seems like the entire summer has been like this...and I am a sunshine kind of person...I get gloomy just like the weather. So, I am seeking motivation. I wonder if Amazon has any for sale...if you google the word "motivation" ~ there are plenty of people willing to sell you their secrets...just buy the book! But, I'm looking for real the form of a tablet or a drink...and it's just not, round two.

I've discovered that motivation can't be bought, can't be sold, can't be shared, can't be given away ~ it's up to me to decide to be motivated or not. I can read a thousand books, all the while not being motivated enough to run or's kind of like reading about how to diet while eating a banana split. Sure tastes good, but why? What have I accomplished? So, round three.

I can fool others and tell them that I ran today, or biked today, or did my WII Fit...but who am I fooling? Myself. No one else would question it, but I would know. So, once again, I am discovering that motivation and the wanting to accomplish a goal must come from within. I've heard it before...deep down I know it....but I wanted it to be not hurt so much...the bottom line is that I didn't want to work for it. So, final round.

Motivation is's within every one of us, including me. I just didn't know it. I never would have been where I am had I not read Barbara Hannah Grufferman's book "The Best of Everything after 50." I encourage anyone, whether you're 50, over 50 or almost 50 to purchase this book. Barbara has done the work for us. She has given me the closest thing to "free" motivation, as she has traveled this journey and found health, happiness and a positive quality of life. Barbara didn't ask me to "plug" her book...I just did it, since it has made such a difference in my life.

So, I will find some way to exercise today, it's not a running day, but I have the goal of working out 6 days a week until the Marathon...and after. I'm not just training for the half-marathon...I'm training for life...even if I can't buy motivation, I'm going to be looking for it within me every's there...the weather won't stop me. I'm running a half-marathon. In December. Wow ~ that almost sounds like I'm motivated!

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