Monday, December 6, 2010

The Day After The Race...Reflections and Thanks

Sunday, December 5th, 7:00am...Las Vegas....freezing outside with over 30,000 other people, lined up ready to go. I know no one in my corral....but make small talk with another runner from Virginia takes forever to start running....I am having major doubts...thinking seriously about going back to our hotel and just being over all of this....but suddenly we start moving...and 29 minutes after 7...I begin my first half marathon (13.1 miles).

I did not start out well....I was cold...I couldn't get my Garmin watch to start...I didn't have my headphones and music ready....all rookie mistakes, I'm sure....finally, things were working. I still wasn't running as I had in training, just couldn't seem to get a rhythm going, but my times were ok....not great, but I was very realistic with this race ~ I just didn't want to have to take the van back (there was a 4 hour time cutoff...if you weren't going to make the time, you had to take a van back to the finish line)....with each mile, I grew more weary, both physically and mentally. I wish I had someone to run was kind of a lonely feeling.

At the 6 mile point, the course turns around and you begin the run back on the Las Vegas Strip. I was then at 7, 8 then 9 miles. The longest I have ever run in my life was 9.5 when I hit 10 miles, I was done. I saw that my time was going to be ok, and I had to dig deep...I had to find that inner strength that I hear about, and I wasn't sure I had...but I just kept going.
Suddenly, at mile 11 or so ~ my daughter Ashley appeared. She had already finished, but came back to run me in....I hugged her so hard ~ I was really, really struggling at that point, even though I knew the end was sooooo close....everything hurt, my feet, my back, I was done. We started talking about anything but running...our dogs, funny stories....then, there it was ~ the finish...Ashley had to leave, but I could see her, my hubby Rob and Ashley's hubby Jeff on the sidelines...cheering me on...Ashley had told me I had to run (not walk) the final part I did....I did my best to not just burst into tears, several people around me were just crying with happiness...I could see the final time....and I crossed the finish line...I had completed my half marathon after about 55 days of serious training. I didn't quite make the time I had hoped to, but I finished....that was enough for me.

I have been asked why I would want to start running at 50....and I think there are several reasons. I needed a change, something new to do in my life. I needed to get healthy. Also, running in San Diego allowed me to spend some wonderful time outdoors. I think I also needed to prove to myself that I could set a goal and achieve it. I had serious, serious doubts about finishing the marathon....I had doubts that I could actually achieve this goal. I absolutely had to go to a place I had never been to before to find the strength and drive to continue....I also found that my family and friends played a huge role in helping me with this goal. Their support was unwavering and encouraging. If I was feeling nervous, I knew I could write/email/call a friend and they would help me work through what I was feeling. I owe so much of my success to my family and friends and I celebrate and share this success with all of them (you know who you are!!!)....thank you seems so insignificant but I do thank you. I honestly could not have completed this marathon without your help and support.

So, to answer my initial question, I CAN RUN A HALF MARATHON. If I can do it, anyone reading this can do it too...if you have any questions, or want to chat with me about it, I'd love to share my experience with you. Now, on to my next goal....hmmmmmm.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Two days to go....can I do this?

Well, I'm in Las's Friday night and the race is on Sunday morning, early. We're waiting for our daughter and son-in-law to arrive and will go to the big Expo tomorrow. There are supposed to be over 22,000 runners here....I've never seen so many people in Las Vegas with running shoes on!!!

Kind of a bittersweet day being in Vegas with Hallie being sworn in as an attorney for the state of California...but was able to see the ceremony on video...we're so proud of all she has accomplished!

I don't remember the last time I was this nervous...and it's not about the run, I know I can do it...I just don't know if I can do it in 4 hours...and they put you in a van and drive you to the finish line if they don't think you're going to make the time cut-off....I want to at least finish it, so I'm going to have to stay mentally tough and focused on my mile's actually being run on Las Vegas Blvd, from the Mandalay Bay, down past the Venetian, to Fremont Street and back...I've kind of memorized where each hotel is mile wise, so I have an idea of where I need to be by what time....Fremont Street is half way, so I've got to be there under the two hour mark....

It would be nice to have someone to run with, but I've done this entire journey by myself, so I think it's kind of fitting to run the race on my own....if I decide to keep running, it might benefit me to find a running buddy so we can push each other...I guess Sunday morning will decide what I end up doing in the future....I can do this,....I know I can....I can do this.